Hero Image Recipe Royals Hot Chocolate

Royals Hot Chocolate

Wrap your hands around a warm mug of hot chocolate with a marshmallow twist. Luxuriously creamy, velvety smooth and infused with a marshmallow flavour from your favourite Arnott's biscuit.





  • Servings:2
  • Occasion:Snack
  • Cooking Time:2 mins
  • Preparation Time:2 mins

Made with

Image pack Chocolate Royals Milk

Chocolate Royals Milk

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  • 2 Arnott’s Royals biscuits
  • 2 tsp chocolate milk powder
  • 400ml milk (plant-based milk can be used)
  • Whipped cream, to serve


Step 1
Chop Arnott’s Royals into quarters. Set aside
Step 2
In a mug, place Arnott’s Royals and chocolate powder.
Step 3
Place milk in a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Pour milk into the mug and let it sit for 1-2 minutes. Stir to combine.
Step 4
Garnish with extra Royals, cocoa and whipped cream.
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